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So justice is driven back, and righteousness stands at a distance; truth has stumbled in the streets, honesty cannot enter.
What’s going on? Are we at the end times? What should we expect looking ahead?
Who’s in control and What does scripture say?

Join us for the timely Bible teaching series 

“Understanding the Times and Ages”
8 Week Series dates and times to be announced
at 4043 120th St, Urbandale, IA
(in Evolving Edge Graphics’ Meeting Room)

8 Week Series Topics Include:

  1. Ages and Cycles
  2. Wrath and Worldly Philosophies
  3. Four Generation Cycle
  4. Our Responsibility in a Crooked Generation
  5. Suffering and Persecution
  6. Daniel - Statue, Beasts, 70 Sevens
  7. The Seventieth Seven (part one)
  8. The Seventieth Seven (part two)

Meeting location: 4043 120th St, Urbandale, IA

For more information contact
Ted Pilcher 515-681-8067